Negative masses are the objects which has opposite property of a mass body meaning it has a gravity which is repuslive and instead of benting spacetime it curves upward which means time can be negative there or time is really fast because ( neg mass curves the spacetime upward) . 

1. Let say that parallel universe exists and the thing that acts as layer between these two is the space itself like space time
The planets are benting space time at the universe but look at to the parrallel universe.
The benting of space by universe is giving opp reaction to parallel universe so the space is benting upward so for the parallel universe that part is feeling neg gravity as it is opp to universe. Hence at that case
mass is neg but for only p.universe becasue of the effect of the universe.

2. As we know Speed= distance/time so what if the speed is negative? I know it's impossible for speed to be negative but theoretically it is possible . Speed is just a ratio of distance and time so if we could make a negative value of time again theoretically then both speed and distance can be negative too. To make time negative we have  to travel faster than light but at that scenario speed is higher and time's neagtive so to attend negative speed we have to travel faster? 

Hi, my name is Nishant Chaudhari and I have always been fascinated by the weird laws of nature. Is gravity really what Einstein says " a fabric of space and time" or is it just another blessing from our nature, no one knows but what we can do is to think and write our imagination. Physics for me is a dynamic subject to learn everything about nature, life, and creation. So let's reveal the secrets of the cosmos!!!

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